Robin and Her Merry Men Page 11
“There is no way in hell you are walking anywhere. Hop on. You’re getting a piggy back ride.” When she refused yet again, he scooped her up in his arms and left her no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck to hold on.
“You can’t carry me all the way back. It’s too far.”
“Yes I can, and I am. Now, we can either spend the rest of the time arguing, or we can figure out what to do about the mess you’re in with the law.” When she didn’t reply, he smiled inwardly. How could one woman be so gorgeous, so stubborn, and so damn naïve? His brother would be a bloody fool to let her go, and so would John. As much as he wanted her himself, he knew he had to sit both of the jackasses down and have a little talk. For now, he would focus on getting her back safely and hatch a plan to get the bounty off her head.
Chapter Twelve
When they arrived back at camp, neither Will nor John was anywhere to be seen. Franny and Sara came rushing over, wound up with concern. “Robin! Thank God!” Both women hugged her while Collin refused to put her down. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt!” Franny began grabbing her limbs, finally spotting the bandages on her feet. “Gods almighty, what happened?”
“Nothing… I’m fine really. Just a few scratches from pure stupidity. It’s nothing more than what I deserve.” Franny met Collin’s gaze and nodded. “Take her up to her room for me, Collin. I’ll fetch her something to eat.”
“Really that isn’t necessary. I’m fine…” She scooted to get down but Collin’s grip tightened.
“You heard the lady. To bed with you. If you’re good I’ll stay and keep you warm.” He flashed a huge grin, easing some of her anxiety. She slapped him playfully on the arm and stopped trying to wiggle free.
“Fine. But I think I’d best be left to the blankets…”
“You’re no fun.” He walked her up the winding staircase to the tranquil little tree house, catching the sight of Will and John standing in the tree line about twenty yards apart. Both were watching his every move. A cocky grin played at the corners of his mouth as he sat her down in front of the door.
“Thanks, Collin…really. I owe you.”
“How about you give me a little kiss to show your gratitude?” He wagged his eyebrows at her, chewing his bottom lip impishly. She just rolled her eyes and managed a snicker. He saw both men bolt off in a fit of jealousy and smiled inwardly. It worked. He hugged her and waited until she made it in before leaving. Now for the fun part. He took off to set his plans in motion. If everything went right, all of her problems would soon be solved.
Robin lay cuddled under the warm quilts, unable to stop the torrential downpour of tears that erupted. Just a few short hours ago she was locked away from reality in a serendipitous dream. Now, not only had reality came crashing in, but that dream had turned into a nightmare. She was emotionally drained and unable to fight to keep her composure. Franny had come and gone, insisting she eat in front of her before she left her to rest. Sara and three of the other women had all come to offer their support and friendship. Bull had finally told them all to give her time and had let it be known that she wasn’t to be bothered. How could they still want to help and be friends with her after the mess she had gotten in? She didn’t deserve them. Will was right, these people were pure. She didn’t belong here. And yet, the mere idea of leaving had her spiraling in a deeper wave of wails.
She must have fallen asleep at one point because when she woke the sun was setting. Had she missed the entire day? She moved to get up, only spotting Franny sitting beside her who kept her bed ridden.
“No you don’t, love. That thorn had you feverish. How are you feeling?”
“Franny, thank you…for everything. I’m fine, really.”
“From seeing the likes of ya, I think you are fibbing.” She reached for her hand and held it, offering comfort.
“I messed up, Franny—really bad. Now I’m going to lose the only two people whom have ever cared for me, all of my friends, and the only home I have now. I can’t go back, but I can’t stay…”
“What do you mean you can’t stay? Of course you are staying, lass. I’ll hear none of this nonsense. If those two meatheads know what’s good for them, they will come around and sort things out. If not, it’s their loss, love. And don’t you go worrying about the police. Bull and the others are plotting to erase all of that mess.”
“But… I don’t understand.” She glanced up, expecting to see that condescending expression her father always held after he had caught her ducking out of their social gatherings. It was a look of disappointment and anger, except Franny held none of it. Her unpretentious smile was all that showed.
“There isn’t anything to understand, love. We are your family. It doesn’t take a genius to see that you care about them both. If they have a lick of sense they will see that too and come to terms.” Robin appreciated her support, but even if they did understand, she would still be stuck having to choose. How could she? It was true that her heart had already begun falling for Will. But there would always be the ‘what if’s’ concerning John. She knew that given time, her heart would fall for him too. If she could only have both, life would be perfect. Those chances were only left for her to dream about, because the realism was too good to be true. She had to face the fact that neither man would want anything to do with her after her bedding them both. She was a scarlet…and not the ‘Mrs. Scarlet’ type either.
John didn’t know which to be more pissed about—the fact that Robin actually thought he could have been the one to turn her in, or the fact he had caught her in the arms of another man. True, they hadn’t discussed their relationship status or agreed to remain exclusive or set any type of commitment. He had assumed that after the night they had shared and the talk of him helping her was an unspoken agreement. Hell, the only damn reason he wanted to join her team of thieving bandits was because of her. It had always been her…for as long as he could remember.
He had made it almost back to his truck when Collin had caught up with him and convinced him that heading back to the city would only create more problems. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he made a valid point. It was inevitable that he was next on the questioning list and given the suits behind it all, they would stop at nothing to get Robin, even if it meant unlawfully holding him behind bars until she showed up. The last thing she needed was him being held hostage…by the police.
He didn’t want to stay out here either. It was a toss up of which place would be the lesser of two evils. Either stay and deal with a testosterone fueled mountain man or go home and risk getting tossed in jail.
After Robin had taken off, Pastor Tuck had simmered the confrontation and had pulled him aside and introduced him to the others. Once they knew he wasn’t a threat and had actually been in on the whole charade, they had welcomed him. As much as he wanted to despise them all, he couldn’t. These were good people, and despite one of their own staking claim on a woman he had come to get, they had made him feel welcome.
“Don’t mind Will. He is a bit intense when it comes to people he cares about.” John raised an eyebrow, but kept his comments to himself. “Right…sorry. What I mean is, he doesn’t have the best communication skills. Look, it’s obvious you both care for her. Robin is a complex woman. She feels something for you both. It’d be a shame for neither of you to get the hand of such a woman because of a closed mind.”
John slowed, shaking his head. “What do you mean ‘closed mind’?”
Collin thought about it for a minute, choosing his words wisely. “How can I say this… Robin is like a multifaceted diamond. She needs different things to hold up to her many qualities. So what? She cares for you both. That doesn’t mean either of you have to give her up.”
“What, so we both do?”
“No, quite the contrary. For as old as time, plural marriages have been around. I’m saying that if you two can get over your egos and see the bigger picture, there isn’t any reason why
all of you can’t be happy.”
John couldn’t believe his ears. Was the brother of the man who had been sleeping with his girl seriously be suggesting that they share her? No way. Nope. Not a chance. He shook his head, mentally arguing the whole scenario.
Collin kept quiet the rest of the walk, giving John time to think about what he said. From the looks he gathered out of the corner of his eye, it might just be working. They had plural marriages in the little town they lived in, even he knew of them. None of which were in the rich community, but surely John had seen it. Now that he had planted the seed, it was time to do the same for his brother. If everything went right, hopefully the two brutes would hash it out over a pint and be in a Robin sandwich come nightfall. Worst case—he got to be the rebound. He shrugged his shoulders. Either way, it was a win.
As they neared camp, the chords of guitars and fiddles met them. The bright light of the fire burning in the pit with a wild pig roasting on the spit gave off an aroma that had his stomach growling. The others greeted him and pulled him into the festivities. All of the men seemed to have taken a liking to John. Except Will, who was nowhere to be found. When Robin spotted John, he was giving Bull his full attention as Bull told another tale of his youth back in Ireland. The men all roared in laughter. John tossed back another mug of homemade brew, happily accepting a refill from Pastor Tuck who probably wouldn’t take no for an answer even if he tried. Franny, Sara, and Emily, the wife of Tom Ritter, all sat chatting with Robin. She smiled and nodded to be polite, but wanted nothing more than to go find Will. Just before dinner was served, she saw him. He was perched on the branch of a tree, watching on intently. When their eyes met he looked away, masking the hurt that was illuminated by the firelight.
He finally descended to grab a plate, careful to avoid her like the black plague. It stung, but she deserved it. As she sat immobilized by nurse Franny, eating the over heaping plate she had thrust in her hands and demanded she consume all of, Collin sat down beside her. “Hey, doll. How’s it going?”
She sighed, turning to sarcasm to avoid emotion. “Besides being avoided like the black plague and fattened up like a dog tick, I’m great. You?”
“Eh, don’t let it get you down. Everything will work out. Just wait and see.” He gave her one of his signature winks and dug into his plate, stopping only to breathe or talk. Like all of the other men, he had one hell of an appetite. They all worked hard daily, which called for a lot of calories for the energy they burned. Franny made sure there was enough that they all got their fill, and leftovers should they need a snack later. Amongst all the women at camp, Franny was the designated mother hen. With all eleven families, none argued with her but accepted it gratefully.
“Yeah. Here’s to hoping a meteor crashes into Earth and wipes out the entire human race.” She lifted her glass to him in a toast.
“Here’s to love and friendship.” She rolled her eyes in disagreement, but drank. Neither had noticed Will approach until he spoke.
“Well well, moving on to yet another I see. Watch out, little brother, she will rip your heart from your chest while you sleep,” Will said through gritted teeth.
He hadn’t been expecting the left hook to the jaw that sent him stumbling backwards. Robin followed, fists loaded and cocked. Will’s shoulders squared and his fists doubled unaware the punch had come from her and readied to fight, jumping in her face. Surprise stopped him, but before he could step back, Collin had blindsided him with a blow hard enough it knocked him to the ground. Instead of explaining, he saw red. He retaliated, opening the average misunderstanding into an all out redneck brawl. Blow for blow the two wrestled, thrashing on the ground until Bull and Ox rushed over grabbing Will off Collin who had been holding his own despite the size difference and tore the two apart.
“You were gonna bow up to a woman…after a comment like that? Fuck you! You’re lucky that’s all she did, you stupid mother fucker!” Collin tugged against Ox who held him from behind with one arm under his and the other loosely around his neck to immobilize him.
“No, fuck you! Are you that fuckin’ stupid? How the hell are we related? Go to hell, Collin. Stay the fuck away from me.” He pulled away from Bull, only to be cut off by Pastor Tuck who stepped in between him and the path to Collin.
“Stop, Will. Go cool the hell off!”
He laughed like a maniac. “Or what? What Pastor? You gonna stop me?” Will taunted, allowing his rage to take over, taking it out on Tuck.
Pastor Tuck narrowed his eyes and took a step toward him. “Yeah. I am.” His voice was low and somber. Will was too far gone to take the hint and see the danger that radiated off him.
“Ahh. The man of God—threatening me? Me! Let me tell you something, Pastor, if you think you can stand next to me, let’s do it.” Will closed the distance, bumping chests with Tuck. “Throw down, Pastor! Come on! You all want a go, lets fucking do it!” For a moment, Will thought he had pushed him too far. Pastor Tuck clenched his jaw, balling his fists up and arching to rise bigger than Will. Everyone overlooked how intimidating Tuck was because of his profession, but he was almost as big as Bull. Towering at six foot five inches, weighing a good two hundred and eighty pounds of solid muscle, he was a tank. For someone who spent most of their time on their knees looking up, he had the strength and the physique to make most bow down. His nostrils flared, and for a split moment, Will got a glimpse of the situation at hand and was about to back down when Tuck shook his head. He took a deep breath, and walked away. At that moment, Will felt ashamed. Of all the people, Tuck was the last person in the world he ever wanted to fall victim to the phantoms of his temper. He had always been the one to offer guidance and advice when Will lost his way, and now he had managed to push him away. The night kept getting better and better.
Will looked around, viewing all eyes on him. The entire camp looked on in shock and disgust. His chest froze up with the words he wanted to say, so he fled. He tore through the bush, caring not of the tears to his skin and clothing the thorns caused. The stings didn’t touch the pain that exploded in his chest like shrapnel. He closed off all emotions and thoughts, channeling the anger and pain and allowing it to fuel him.
When Will ran away again like the little bitch that he was, unable to face his mistake, Collin relaxed. “I’m good, Ox. Thanks.” He stepped away, his thoughts immediately going to Robin. He turned, only to find her gone. His eyes roamed over the camp, dropping in disappointment when she was nowhere to be found.
“You sure? Your eye may beg to differ there, bud.” Ox stared at him. Collin reached up and felt the goose egg that was already swollen past his brow and flinched. He hadn’t felt it until now.
“That’s gonna leave a mark. How is Robin? She didn’t get hurt in the crossfire did she?”
“No man, she left. I think she would have whipped the shit out of you both if she would have stuck around though. Did you see that left hook? Damn. I hate to be the poor fool who pisses her off.” Ox rubbed his forehead, shaking his head back and forth.
“She did land a good one, didn’t she?” Collin grinned.
“Hard enough Will thought it was you. Either she packs one hellova punch or you hit like a girl,” Ox joked, lightning the mood.
“She’s somethin’, ain’t she?” Collin couldn’t help it. He was proud of her. Before he even got the chance to step in and defend her honor, she had pounced and was going in for seconds.
“That she is. I don’t think she needed you, lad. Will might o’ ended up knocked the hell out if you wouldn’t have stepped in when you did. You did him a favor in more ways than one,” Bull pitched in. The three laughed at the image.
“Listen, thanks again, guys. Sorry for the rumble, but Will stepped out of line. I need to go find her and make sure she’s okay.”
“No. Let her be. Franny will make her a drink and let her vent. If you go chasing her now, she’s liable to dot your other eye.” Bull grinned.
��You might be right… And I think she could hurt me,” he snickered, still in awe of her. Pastor Tuck on the other hand had showed restrain most men wouldn’t have in the same situation. He kept true to the cloth and turned the other cheek, showing more strength than anyone. “Let me know if my brother comes back. We need a little family discussion.” Ox and Bull nodded, not needing explanation where he was going.
Pastor Tuck had come close to allowing emotion override his beliefs. It was true that if a time arose that threat came upon them he would stand and fight. Tonight wasn’t that time. He had almost fallen right into the devil’s plan. He was angry, but more so angry with himself. He sat up against a tree, nursing the homemade ale when Collin approached.
“Hey.” Collin took a spot next to him, accepting the mason jar of amber liquid. “You did what most men couldn’t have back there, Pastor. I’m sorry you were put in that situation. Will had no right.”
Tuck let out a ‘humph’, guzzling a good drink before speaking. “He was blinded by anger, as was I. Don’t be blind, Collin. I wasn’t the man I should’ve been. Anger took over me too. I’m ashamed of my behavior.” He looked down, his eyes hidden in the shadows. “Thankfully, our God is a forgiving God.” When he looked up, a weak smile had found its way back into his heart. Collin looked up to him. In all their darkest days, and in the tightest of predicaments, the man still found solitude and peace. He had been working on it himself, but still had a lot of demons to fight off from his past before he could ever live in such serenity.
“That he is. Come on. I heard a rumor there was pie to be served after dinner.” He patted him on the shoulder before he rolled to his side and stood. Sharp pains shot through his rib cage, and given the amount of stiffness that had already begun to sit in, the chances of him escaping bruised, if not cracked ribs, was slim. Once he stood, he offered Tuck a hand. Tuck took it gratefully, and the two set out in search of blackberry pie. Pie was the universal peacemaker in their world, and no matter what bad or despair dumped on the extended family, it had the power to turn it into a rainbow.